Effectiveness of Tocilizumab in a COVID-19 Patient with Cytokine Release Syndrome
  • Sadettin Uslu
    Department of Rheumatology, Ömer Halisdemir University Bor Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Training and Research Hospital, Niğde, Turkey


Tocilizumab, COVID-19, cytokine release syndrome


Cytokine release syndrome (CRS) is a systemic inflammatory response that can be triggered by many factors such as infections. CRS in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is life-threatening and can occur very rapidly after COVID-19 diagnosis. Tocilizumab (TCZ), an interleukin?6 (IL-6) inhibitor, may ameliorate the CRS associated with severe COVID?19 and thus improve clinical outcomes. We present a case of life-threatening CRS caused by COVID-19 infection successfully treated with TCZ.



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    Published: 2020-05-22
    Issue: 2020: Vol 7 No 6 (view)

    How to cite:
    Uslu S. Effectiveness of Tocilizumab in a COVID-19 Patient with Cytokine Release Syndrome. EJCRIM 2020;7 doi:10.12890/2020_001731.