Azygos Continuation of the Inferior Vena Cava: Potential for Misdiagnosis as Lung Neoplasm
  • Sharjeel Shaikh
    Wexford General Hospital, Wexford, Ireland
  • Hind Awad
    Wexford General Hospital, Wexford, Ireland
  • Anna Kelly
    Wexford General Hospital, Wexford, Ireland
  • Tadhg Gleeson


Azygos continuation, inferior vena cava, lung neoplasm, pneumonia


Background: The azygos venous system is an accessory venous pathway supplying an important collateral circulation between the superior and inferior vena cava (IVC). 
Case summary: We report a case of complicated community-acquired pneumonia with interruption of the IVC with azygos continuation that was misdiagnosed as lung neoplasm. 
Discussion: The aim of this case report is to emphasize the importance of recognizing an enlarged azygos vein at the confluence with the superior vena cava and in the retrocrural space to avoid misdiagnosis as a right-sided para-tracheal mass. The angiographic features and clinical importance of this condition are discussed.



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    Published: 2021-03-09
    Issue: 2021: Vol 8 No 3 (view)

    How to cite:
    Shaikh S, Awad H, Kelly A, Gleeson T. Azygos Continuation of the Inferior Vena Cava: Potential for Misdiagnosis as Lung Neoplasm. EJCRIM 2021;8 doi:10.12890/2021_002385.