Diagnosis of Primary Cardiac T-cell Lymphoma: Feasibility and Safety of Endomyocardial Biopsy Guided by Pre-acquired Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
  • Andrea Avella
    Cardiology Division and Cardiac Arrhythmia Unit, St. Camillo-Forlanini Hospital, Rome, Italy
  • Carla Giordano
    Department of Radiology, Oncology and Pathology, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
  • Vitaliano Buffa
    Cardiovascular Imaging Unit, St. Camillo-Forlanini Hospital, Rome, Italy
  • Piergiuseppe De Girolamo
    Cardiology Division and Cardiac Arrhythmia Unit, St. Camillo-Forlanini Hospital, Rome, Italy
  • Massimo Uguccioni
    Cardiology Division and Cardiac Arrhythmia Unit, St. Camillo-Forlanini Hospital, Rome, Italy


Cardiac tumour, cardiac magnetic resonance, right-sided catheterization, endomyocardial biopsy


Background: Multimodality imaging of a cardiac mass lesion may raise suspicion of a primitive cardiac lymphoma (PCL). However, a definitive diagnosis requires histopathological confirmation.

Methods: This report describes the methodology we used to perform biopsy sampling of a cardiac mass lesion affecting a 45-year-old man. In order to increase endomyocardial biopsy diagnostic accuracy, we used pre-acquired cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) images to guide the bioptome on a cardiac site overtly infiltrated by the suspected tumour. The right ventricular outflow tract was identified as the target site for biopsy sampling. To reduce the risk of the procedure, the biopsy was performed at a safe distance from the tip of a diagnostic quadripolar catheter positioned at the level of the pulmonary valve, previously identified by pacing manoeuvres. The reported approach demonstrated safety and diagnostic accuracy, allowing the identification of an extremely rare PCL subtype of T-cell origin.

Conclusion: Biopsy sampling of a suspected tumour may be safely and accurately performed using pre-acquired CMR images to guide the bioptome on the target site.



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    Published: 2021-03-25
    Issue: 2021: Vol 8 No 3 (view)

    How to cite:
    Avella A, Giordano C, Buffa V, De Girolamo P, Uguccioni M. Diagnosis of Primary Cardiac T-cell Lymphoma: Feasibility and Safety of Endomyocardial Biopsy Guided by Pre-acquired Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. EJCRIM 2021;8 doi:10.12890/2021_002427.