Bordetella hinzii Endocarditis, A Clinical Case Not Previously Described
  • María Mateos
    Department of Internal Medicine, Infanta Cristina University Hospital, Parla, Madrid
  • Maria Pilar Cubo Romano
    Department of Internal Medicine, Infanta Cristina University Hospital, Parla, Madrid
  • Maria Teresa de Guzmán García Monge
    Department of Internal Medicine, Infanta Cristina University Hospital, Parla, Madrid
  • Beatriz Berzal Martín
    Department of Cardiology, Infanta Cristina University Hospital, Parla, Madrid
  • Aída Sánchez García
    Central Laboratory, BR Salud, Infanta Sofía Hospital, San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid


Bordetella hinzii, endocarditis, valvular prosthesis


Objective: To review infections by Bordetella hinzii.
Materials and methods: A 79-year-old male patient, with a chronic aortic valve biological prosthesis, presented to hospital because of fever. First examinations were normal. However, 72 hours later B. hinzii was isolated in blood cultures, and so meropenem was prescribed. Nevertheless, fever and B. hinzii bacteraemia were still present 7 days later.
Results: The transoesophageal echocardiogram revealed an enlarged image suggesting a periprosthetic abscess, confirmed with a PET-CT scan. The patient was sent for cardiac surgery, and biopsy samples confirmed the presence of B. hinzii.
Conclusion: There are very few cases of B. hinzii infection in humans. Ours is the first described case of B. hinzii endocarditis.



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    Published: 2019-02-04
    Issue: Vol 6 No 2 (view)

    How to cite:
    Mateos M, Cubo Romano MP, de Guzmán García Monge MT, Berzal Martín B, Sánchez García A. Bordetella hinzii Endocarditis, A Clinical Case Not Previously Described. EJCRIM 2019;6 doi:10.12890/2019_000994.