Intrathoracic Acute Cholecystitis
  • Giovana Ennis
    Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital CUF Viseu, Portugal
  • Gabriela Venade
    Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital CUF Viseu, Portugal
  • Joana Silva Marques
    Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital CUF Viseu, Portugal
  • Paulo Batista
    Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital CUF Viseu, Portugal
  • Ana Abreu Nunes
    Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital CUF Viseu, Portugal
  • Júlio Constantino
    Department of Surgery, Hospital CUF Viseu, Portugal
  • Luis Costa Matos
    Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital CUF Viseu, Portugal


Intrathoracic acute cholecystitis, diaphragmatic hernia, non-traumatic


The authors present the case of a 51-year-old woman with no history of surgical or traumatic injury or accident, who presented with right hypochondrium and epigastric discomfort, malaise, nausea, loss of appetite and episodes of dark urine and greenish stools. Initial laboratory work-up revealed elevated inflammatory markers including leucocytosis with left shift and C-reactive protein, and a slight elevation of gamma-glutamyltransferase and alkaline phosphatase, with no other significant alterations. Computed tomography (CT) showed intrathoracic acute cholecystitis with a large diaphragmatic hernia.
A literature search revealed only one other case of acute cholecystitis complicated by intrathoracic gallbladder due to a non-traumatic diaphragmatic hernia. Symptoms are uncharacteristic and the absence of pain or fever, explained by the altered location of the gallbladder, makes the diagnosis a challenge.



  • Horn CB, Keller J, Gildehaus AJ, Rhee JY. Cholecystitis complicated by intrathoracic gallbladder. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2019;87(3):733–734.

  • Tahiri LL, Tahiri A, Bajrami R, Hasimja S, Hasani A. Intrathoracal cholecystitis calculosa in a right-sided posttraumatic diaphragmatic hernia: a case report. J Med Case Rep 2013;7:89.
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    Published: 2020-06-22
    Issue: 2020: Vol 7 No 9 (view)

    How to cite:
    Ennis G, Venade G, Marques JS, Batista P, Nunes AA, Constantino J, Matos LC. Intrathoracic Acute Cholecystitis. EJCRIM 2020;7 doi:10.12890/2020_001764.

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